Personal maternity care
By the end of your first week postpartum, you’ll be feeling confident about your new role as a parent. And that’s all thanks to Isis’ maternity nurses!
What else do we offer?
- Personal, comprehensive care: we aim for the same maternity nurse to look after you throughout your postnatal period.
- We will make sure you have happy memories of your postnatal period.
- Our organisation has expert maternity nurses who will prepare you for your postnatal period and parenthood by providing practical advice, support and care during labour.
- We never provide standard maternity care. Every family, every pregnancy and every baby is different, which is why we offer tailored care.
- We work closely with midwives, gynaecologists and hospitals and we have contracts with all health insurers.
- We are on hand 24/7 to provide information, advice and support during labour.
- We work with a digital client file and we send out pregnancy-related emails containing a wide range of useful information, advice and tips.
- Our maternity nurses receive extensive continuous training. We are also an approved work placement company.
- We have extensive knowledge of breastfeeding thanks to our in-house Lactation Consultants and Breastfeeding Coaches.
- Isis Kraamzorg has its own baby supply exchange. If you cannot afford to buy a baby outfit, you can rely on the baby supply exchange (Kraambank). The Kraambank collects second-hand baby clothes and other supplies and passes those onto families in need.
- Our maternity nurses provide developmental care. This means we tailor our care to your baby’s physical signals and reduce stimuli. By doing this, we soften the transition from the cosy womb to life outside of the womb, meaning your baby will experience less stress.
- We also offer family support after the postnatal period (a child’s first year), in the form of Babythuiszorg.
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